Undecidable Question


Undecidable Question

30.08.2023 - 06.09.2023 / Dvorana Gorgona

“Way back when things had a predictable growth, friends from Ljubljana invited us to prefigure the future, to propose a project for 2023.  We decided to perform a turn: instead of predicting future, we tried to return to historical moments of expression of collective will… to mythical moments of uncertainty... to the murmur of undecided pasts. What we didn’t forsee was that from then on we would try to practice the impossible. Some things happened we thought were impossible. Some impossible things still could happen. Nailed in the permanent present of poetry, we are still looking for voices from the future that announce answers to so far undecidable questions!”


CO2... a couple of artists is a new artistic formation entangling Nikolina Pristaš and Goran Sergej Pristaš in a series of encounters with artists, experts and students which may or may not happen, whose swerves may or may not generate series of new encounters and relations between art, bodies and climate.

CO2...a couple of artists: Nikolina Pristaš and Goran Sergej Pristaš
Video: Hrvoslava Brkušić
Animation: Marko Tadić
Sound: Hrvoje Nikšić
Costume: Silvio Vujičić
Screens: Alan Vukelić
Child's voice: Priska Pia Pristaš
Technical Support: Branimir Štivić

Co-production: Domino Cooperative (Zagreb), The New Post Office (Slovenian Youth Theatre and Maska Ljubljana) and Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb)

This project is funded by the European Union.

Used material: sound recordings of the documentary film Liberation of Zagreb (1945), recordings of conversations from the project Institutions Need To Be Constructed by BADco. (2016), children's murmur (Franka Ramuščak, Timon Pristaš, Priska Pia Pristaš) and fragments of the Inger Christensen's poem Det. Performance texture was inspired by the poem I Dwell in Possibility by Emily Dickinson, drawings by Gordon Matta-Clark and William Blake.

Thanks to: Miranda Herceg, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka, Branka Benčić, Tina Dobnik, Alja Lobnik, Tibor Mihelič Syed, Goran Injac, Zvonimir Dobrović, Ivan Marušić Klif, Jasmin Dasović, Damir Bartol Indoš, Mile Blažević.

30/8 - 2/9 and 5 - 6/9/2023
at 5.00 pm, 7.00 pm, 9.00 pm

Since the performance is receiving up to 7 audience members, make sure you reserve your seat and buy a ticket in advance at: udrugadomino@gmail.com